One niche that had popped up in the Flash Sale world is Outdoor Gear. It seams that many of the manufacturers are eager to work with these kinds of sites and so deals can be had from hundreds of top-notch brands. Most deals only last a few days, meaning you don't have a lot of time to think about it. If you know what you want, and can find it on one of these sites, you will crush the vast majority of online retailers. So, if you are looking for a way to get some Christmas shopping done on the cheap, you may want to check out this list of Outdoor Gear focused Flash Sale Sites.
The Clymb: One of the originals and, in my humble opinion, one of the best. The variety and quality of gear on The Clymb is hard to match. Today's deals are from Nathan Performance, Sherpani bags, Sampson bikes and DVS Footwear...
Planet Gear: A newer addition to the playground, but fast making a name for itself. Several deals running at the same time, usually for 3 days or so. Killer deals today on Scott Apparel, Grand Trunk Gear, Vaude Apparel and Freestyle Watches...
Whiskey Militia: A subsidiary of Online Gear powerhouse, These guys offer a one deal at a time program for Snow, Skate and Surf gear.
Steap and Cheap: Also a subsidiary of Just one deal at a time, until every unit is sold... Sweet gear at incredible prices.